1080i vs 1080p discussions. Australian Xbox Hardware discussion forums, latest Xbox 360 discussions, best place to find help and talk about games.
This just means the Xbox 360 is just like every other HD DVD and Blu-ray player on . there is no real reason to worry about 1080p vs 1080i for bluray .
Xbox 360 test: 1080i vs 720p . 2:31 Add to HD 1080p VS 1080i by copyncredit 31,662 views 0:40 Add to Vizio 32' running 1080p, xbox 360 by foochee 48,650 views
1080i Vs 1080p - Comparison 1080i and 1080p 1080i vs 1080p xbox 360 are the two prime video mode technologies used by modern . or Microsoft Xbox 360 require a 1080p video mode .
Discussions > Off-Topic Lounge . Hi. I have several lcd's and used one for my 360. But recently I went to Best Buy and . Consider for a moment that there are 2 .
0:40 Add to Vizio 32' running 1080p, xbox 360 by foochee 48,650 views . 3:48 Add to Xbox 360 test: 1080i vs 720p by sdeluca9 18,985 views Loading more suggestions. .
Best Answer: i would personaly return the 260 right now, i mean literaly get in your car and go to gamestop and buy a 1080i vs 1080p xbox 360 ps3 which is fully 1080p
1080p vs. 1080i Filed under HDTV, Xbox 360. . I have my Xbox 360 hooked up as 1080i. Microsoft added a patch recently that gives the Xbox 360 1080p support.
[Archive] 1080i vs 1080p - what's the difference? Hardware Chat . I remember how I felt when I went from Xbox to Xbox 360 on my 19" non-widescreen LCD monitor.
I'm buying a new 50 inch plasma hdtv and i'm pretty excited. only problem is, is my xbox
360 is from before they had the special 1080p slot. So i'll be geting 1080i .
Home Theater Gaming > Xbox Area . I'm hoping I can get some xbox 360 players to help me confirm a theory. I need the . I have had two xboxs hooked up
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