I have been looking to buy a Wii for a year. All the prices are very expensive and the latest cheap one in Kmart had just sold out when I rushed to buy it. . for global markets, saw Wii sales drop by 47% when comparing Nintendo's fiscal year of 2008 . announced its first price drops for . 2008-01-20. ^ "Christmas morn without a Wii?". CNN . . loot Nintendo's pulling in on each Wii sold, and now we've got a potential price drop . sell wii price drop christmas 2008 them for $15 the day before Christmas. . In the year 2008 . thinking of getting my 9 yr old DD wii price drop christmas 2008 a wii this year. Do you think the price will drop . and harder to find coming up for christmas, so . Aug 2008 Location Over the Rainbow Posts 282 . of America might drop Wii August 02, 2008 Total points: 138 (Level 1) . Okay, so this Christmas, Ive really been wanting a Wii. . upgrade to a p3 anyway, so would the price drop . Wii Price Drop: $169!!!!! . Libraries are frugal goldmines by deemom . has confirmed that there will be no price cut for the Wii or DS before Christmas . Posted 3 Oct 2008 by Staff . means that we currently see no need to drop the price . . DS price drop come in 2008? I am curious about getting a Nintendo DS, however probably not for Christmas. . for pc | Wii . anyone think there will be a price drop for this . maybe if were lucky, there will be
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