If we do not show any parameter name for the wiki markup, then you . macro code on your Confluence page. Here is an example of the Widget macro code for embedding a Google Docs .
Creating Custom Widgets. GWT makes it easy to create custom user interface elements. There are three general strategies to follow: Create a widget that is a .
Get the Google Docs Viewer widget on Widgetbox.com! view any .PDF or .PPT files without downloading it.
google docs wiki widget
more great free widgets at http://wiki.dennyhalim.com/mywidget
Government Docs; How-To Guides/Manuals; Magazines/Newspapers; Recipes/Menus; School Work . http://www.youtube.com http://www.teachertube.com http://video.google.com. Wiki Widgets .
This tutorial shows you how to create a widget with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for opentaps. In opentaps, we have already implemented common user interface components, such .
HOW TO USE PROBLEMS TIPS & TRICKS SANDBOX WIKI . By the Google docs logo it will say "Untitled" Click . You will then notice an "Other Widget" image. This is your Google Spreadsheet.
Rang: Android google docs wiki widget Doc. Beitr�ge: 311. Eintrittsdatum . - Google News and Weather Widget (auch als "Genie Widget" bekannt) - Switch . Nachdem ich Google, das Wiki und die Suche erfolgreich .
. three times with different groups of colleages to make use of an online wiki or at least Google docs to . Hot Video; Forum; Trends; Liquida Widget; Add Liquida
To copy this widget to your wiki, cut and paste the entire source of the Iframe . {{#widget:Iframe |url=http://docs.google.com/present/embed?id=dcn37mcz_22cmnwnwf8 |width=410 |height .
You can find the current version of Widgets on the Google Code . All widgets in the wiki are defined by creating pages in the . Pending changes; Browse SVN; Statistics; Code docs
Meine Docs stellt alle Funktionen der Desktop-Version von
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